Caring Texts: A Strength-based, Suicide Prevention Trial in 4 Native Communities (CARE)
Status: Current
Grant Start: 06/01/2016
Grant End: 04/30/2024
Caring Contacts is one of only two interventions that have been found to prevent death by suicide in a randomized controlled trial. Caring Contacts has never been evaluated in an American Indian nor Alaska Native community using a rigorous study design. The Caring Texts: A Strength-based, Suicide Prevention Trial in 4 Native Communities (CARE) study is designed to do so after a careful cultural review and adaptation of Caring Contacts to reflect the needs, priorities, and preferences of four partnering Tribal communities. Our Specific Aims are to: 1) Compare the effectiveness of usual care (control) to usual care plus supportive and Caring Contacts (intervention) for reducing suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and suicide-related hospitalizations; and 2) Evaluate the mechanistic role of perceived social connectedness as a mediating factor for the effect of the intervention on suicidality.
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Inc. (MBIRI)
- Cherokee Nation
- Cherokee Nation Health Services
- Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
- Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
- Fort Peck Tribes' Health Promotion Disease Prevention (HPDP) program
- Oglala Sioux Tribe
Funding Sponsors
- Federal - National Institutes of Health
- National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
- National Institute of Mental Health
Communities Involved
- Tribal communities
Study Type
- Randomized controlled trial
- Intervention
- Community based participatory research
- Quanititative Research
- Mixed methods
- Qualitative research
Study Characteristics
- Ages 18 plus
Principal Investigator(s)
Team Member(s)
Anna Evanson
Senior Field Site Coordinator -
Barbara Wright, MSW
Senior Regulatory Coordinator -
Theresa Reiter-Lavery
Research Assistant -
Sukhneet Toor
Research Assistant -
Elisha Gray Hawk
Research Coordinator -
Luciana E. Hebert, PhD
Methods Lead -
Marija Bogic, PhD
Project Manager -
Anthippy Petras, MSW
Clinic Engagement Lead
Heath Research Initiatives
- American Indian and Alaska Native
Focus Areas
- Mental health
- Suicide prevention