Natives Engaged in Alzheimer’s Research (NEAR) Research Project 2 (RP2): ‘IKE Kupuna (Elder Wisdom)
Status: Current
Grant Start: 08/01/2021
Grant End: 04/30/2026
- Kapolei Community Development Corporation (RP2 IKE 'KUPUNA, CBO 1)
- Hui No Ke Ola Pona (RP2 IKE 'KUPUNA CBO 2)
- Kokua Kalihi Valley Comprehensive Family Services (RP2 'IKE KUPUNA CBO 3)
- Kula No Na Po'e Hawai'i (RP2 'IKE KUPUNA CBO 4)
- Project Vision Hawai`i ('IKE Kupuna CBO 5)
- University of Hawai`i (RP2 'IKE KUPUNA)
- University of Miami (Multi-PI, RP2 'IKE KUPUNA, RP3 CATNAP)
Funding Sponsors
- Federal - National Institutes of Health
- National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Communities Involved
- Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Communities
Study Locations
- Hawai'i
Study Type
- Group randomized trial
- Intervention
- Community based participatory research
- Mixed methods
Study Characteristics
- Ages 50 plus
IREACH Programs
Team Member(s)
Joseph Keaweʻaimoku Kaholokula, PhD
Project Lead -
Mele Look, MBA
Project Co-Lead -
Ke’alohilani Worthington, MPH
Research Coordinator -
Māpuana de Silva
Kumu Hula -
Sheryl Yoshimura, MPH, RD, LDN, CDCES
Community Lead -
Kealohaku`ualohaku`upoki`i (Poki’i) Balaz, DNP, EMBA
Community Lead -
Mālia Purdy, PhD, MPH
Community Lead -
Kaui Krueger
Community Lead -
Jillayne Ching
Community Lead -
Adrienne Dillard
Community Lead -
Puni Kekauoha
Community Lead -
Kaapuni Kama, CCHW
Community Lead -
Meghan Kenney, MSW, LSW
Community Lead -
Darrah Kauhane, MS, CPO
Community Lead -
Chantal Keliihoomalu, MSW, LSW
Community Lead -
Richard MacLehose, PhD
Methods Lead -
Clemma Muller, PhD, MS
Methods Lead -
Carolyn Noonan, MS
Heath Research Initiatives
- Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander
Focus Areas
- Alzheimer's disease
- Well-being
Associated Projects
- Natives Engaged in Alzheimer’s Research (NEAR)
- Natives Engaged in Alzheimer’s Research (NEAR) Biospecimen Core
- Natives Engaged in Alzheimer’s Research (NEAR) Methods Core
- Natives Engaged in Alzheimer’s Research (NEAR) Recruitment and Engagement Core
- Natives Engaged in Alzheimer’s Research (NEAR) Research Project 1 (RP1): INdians Transforming Alzheimer’s Care Training (INTACT)
- Natives Engaged in Alzheimer’s Research (NEAR) Research Project 3 (RP3): Cognition After Obstructive Sleep Apnea Among Native American People (CATNAP)