Marla Alohilani Tam-Hoy Barhoum, MEd


Recruitment Specialist and Peer Educator

Marla Alohilani Tam-Hoy Barhoum is a Recruitment Specialist and Peer Educator at IREACH. She is Native Hawaiian and has a Master in Special Education and High-Risk Youth from University of Washington and an endorsement in Health/Fitness through the State of Washington. Marla has worked with culturally diverse student populations while a public school teacher and social worker in both education and youth employment programs. Most recently, she taught health/physical education in Mukilteo School District. She is also a curriculum designer for The Seattle Times Education Department. She recently became a certified yoga instructor through Native Strength Revolution, a program for Indigenous people to learn and share yoga with their communities. She is grateful this position weaves her passions into one: teaching and creating positive health and fitness outcomes for her people. In her personal time, Marla enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, hiking, camping, watching her daughters play sports, beach walks, cuddles and long walks with her dog, working out, hula, hip hop dance classes, yoga, reading, and photography.

Marla Alohilani Tam-Hoy Barhoum
