Celestina Barbosa-Leiker, PhD

Professor in the College of Nursing and Executive Vice Chancellor at WSU Health Sciences Spokane


Dr. Celestina Barbosa-Leiker is a Professor in the College of Nursing and Executive Vice Chancellor at Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane. Dr. Barbosa-Leiker’s research focuses on substance use in underserved populations. Her research has demonstrated gender differences in the measurement of opioid withdrawal, relapse while in treatment, and predictors of relapse. Her additional line of research focuses on the transition from pregnancy to parenthood in women with substance use disorders. She is currently leading an interdisciplinary research team to assess mothers, infants, and healthcare providers in order to better care for women with opioid use disorders, as well as for women using cannabis during pregnancy. Her NIH funding largely focuses on the link between psychological risk factors (stress, depression, and substance use), quality of life, community, and brain aging in American Indians. The results of these studies will help better educate healthcare providers, inform policy, and improve standards of care.