Cardiovascular Care and Brain Health in Native Communities
JULY 10, 2023
This webinar took place on June 12, 2023, with Drs. Astrid Suchy-Dicey, Thomas Grabowski, and Kristoffer Rhoads.
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) are aging-related health conditions that have profound social and economic impacts. The connection between heart health and brain health has been well studied, with notable links between nutrition, lifestyle factors, and genetics. As practically all Tribal communities experience a disproportionate burden of ADRD risk factors, it is crucial for healthcare providers and researchers to understand the source of these disparities to better inform and prepare systems of care.
Astrid Suchy-Dicey, PhD is an epidemiologist and biostatistician at WSU IREACH. Her current research addresses vascular brain injury and Alzheimer’s disease in American Indian and Alaska Native people.
Kristoffer Rhoads, PhD is a neuropsychologist at the UW Memory & Brain Wellness Center specializing in the evaluation and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.
Thomas Grabowski, MD is the Director of the UW Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) and is a leader in clinical and research on neurodegenerative disease and dementia.
Please contact if you have questions.
Food Is Medicine And The Realm Of Tourism: An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion
SEPTEMBER 28, 2022
This webinar took place on September 21, 2022, with Drs. Trevor Lane, Lisa Chase, and Gary Ferguson.
Food and nutrition play a crucial role in rural areas, as community health needs come together at the crossroads of both environmental and business ecosystems. Agritourism is a promising practice that can bring people to farms for education and entertainment while helping small communities sustain production and cultivate growth. In this webinar, our panel describes how agriculture and health intersect and create robust interdisciplinary opportunities for rural, tribal, and farming communities to thrive.
Trevor C Lane, EdD is an associate professor and state specialist in Community & Economic Development for Washington State University (WSU) Extension.
Lisa Chase, PhD, MS is the Natural Resources Specialist for University of Vermont (UVM) Extension and the Director of the Vermont Tourism Research Center.
Gary Ferguson, ND is a WSU faculty member and the Director of Outreach & Engagement at IREACH.
Please contact if you have questions.
Recruitment and Outreach Through Social Media Engagement
MAY 31, 2022
This webinar took place on May 12th, 2022, with Nicole lee Kamakahiolani Ellison (Fujioka-Krzyska), MPH.
Ms. Kamakahiolani Ellison is the Research Project Manager for the Healthy Hearts among Pacific Islanders (HHAPI) program.
Recruitment and outreach can be challenging, but social media can facilitate connections among researchers, participants, and communities. In this presentation, Nicole lee Kamakahiolani Ellison (Fujioka-Krzyska) discusses how her studies have pivoted to use social media for recruitment and outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar also covers strategies for engaging and supporting Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities in a global pandemic, and how research studies can help connect with community members via online platforms amid physical distancing policies.
Please contact or if you have questions.
Working with Tribal Communities: A Framework for Allies and Partners
NOVEMBER 22, 2021
This webinar took place on November 18th, 2021, with Cole Allick.
Narrative research has shown that given just a few facts – shaped around themes of shared values, history, and visibility – people are more open to understanding and engaging with Tribal Nations and communities on shared issues. In this webinar, Cole Allick (Turtle Mountain Chippewa) will highlight a framework for meaningful engagement with Tribal Nations and communities. This framework heavily influences his approach to working with Tribal Nations as it shifts the false narratives around American Indian and Alaska Native communities. He will also provide brief context around Tribal communities including information on sovereignty and healthcare delivery.
Cole Allick, MHA (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians), is a Practice Based Research Network (PBRN) Coordinator and Tribal Liaison.
Please contact or if you have questions.
Considerations for Culturally Centering Treatments among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
OCTOBER 27, 2021
This webinar took place on October 15th, 2021, with Dr. Katherine (Kait) Hirchak.
Research on cultural adaptations of substance use disorder interventions among racially and ethnically diverse adults is both increasing and promising. In this webinar, highlighted by two case studies, Dr. Kait Hirchak will describe re-centering evidence-based treatments for substance use disorder in partnership with American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. She will also discuss the importance and process of community-based participatory research, the need for additional effectiveness studies as well as dissemination and implementation efforts to improve the treatment outcomes of AI/AN adults participating in culturally adapted interventions.
Dr. Kait Hirchak, PhD, is an Assistant Research Professor in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine at Washington State University and is a federally recognized descendant of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe.
Please contact if you have questions or would like to view the presentation slides.
Cultural Humility in Practice: Promoting an Inclusive Environment for Those We Serve
JUNE 15, 2021
This webinar took place on June 9th, 2021, with Dr. Gary Ferguson.
As we work to address health equity, many of us strive to be culturally competent. Framing our efforts through the lens of cultural humility enriches our mission to be as inclusive as possible. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines cultural humility as “a life-long process of self-reflection and self-critique whereby the individual not only learns about another’s culture, but one starts with an examination of their own beliefs, and cultural identities.” In this talk, we will explore how to apply this perspective to the work we do in promoting healthy communities.
Dr. Ferguson, ND (Unangax/Aleut) serves as Faculty and Director of Outreach & Engagement at Washington State University’s Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health (IREACH) located in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
The Relationship between Prenatal Alcohol, SIDS and Stillbirth: The Safe Passage Study
AUGUST 5, 2020
On July 29, 2020, Dr. Amy Elliott and Ms. Jyoti Angal provided an overview of the study design, methods, and primary outcomes from the Safe Passage Study, the largest international prospective study of the relationship between prenatal alcohol exposure, stillbirth and sudden infant death syndrome. They highlighted unique cultural and ethical aspects of conducting research in American Indian communities and presented strategies for dissemination of results in scientific and non-scientific communities.
Dr. Elliott is Chief Clinical Resource Officer for Avera McKennon Hospital and a Professor/Co-division Chief in the Department of Pediatrics, University of South Dakota School of Medicine.
Ms. Angal is the Director of Clinical Research for the Avera Center for Pediatrics and Community Research and project director for the Safe Passage Study.
Transition to Recovery Webinar
OCTOBER 31, 2019
In this webinar (presented October 30th, 2019), project members described the intervention including motivational interviewing sessions and the patient navigation support commonly provided to participants. In addition, they will discussed the challenges to facilitating transitions to recovery for particularly vulnerable consumers including those experiencing chronic homelessness.
Pilot Project Grant Program: Call for Applications
In this webinar, presented on September 4th, 2019, Dr. McDonell reviewed applicant eligibility, requirements for the letter of intent and the grant application, and answered webinar attendee’s questions.
*2021 Applicants, please note:
- An NCARE liaison is no longer required to apply
- Project must be completed in 18 months or less
- This is the final NCARE call for applications
- LOI due May 28, 2021 to
- Full application due July 30, 2021 to
Prevention of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy (AEP) in American Indian Communities: A Pre-conception Approach
MAY 14, 2019
In this webinar Drs. Michelle Sarche and Jessica Hanson explained the importance of a preconceptual approach to alcohol-exposed pregnancy prevention, detailing efforts to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancy in American Indian communities in particular. They discussed how these efforts have informed the design and implementation of a new randomized controlled trial of Native-Changing High-risk Alcohol Use and Increasing Contraception Effectiveness Study (Native CHOICES) (an adaptation of CHOICES) with one Northern Plains American Indian community.
Contingency Management as a Tool for Alcohol Use Disorders among American Indian and Alaska Native People Webinar
FEBRUARY 20, 2019
Presented February 19th, 2019
In this webinar Dr. Michael McDonell discussed contingency management as a treatment for alcohol use disorders. Contingency management (CM) is an intervention in which tangible reinforcers (rewards) are provided when a patient demonstrates abstinence assessed by urine drug tests. Two projects evaluating CM as a tool for intervening in alcohol use disorders among AI/AN people are currently ongoing.
Harm Reduction Talking Circles (HaRTC) for Urban American Indians and Alaska Natives with Alcohol Use Disorder Webinar
NOVEMBER 15, 2018
The Harm Reduction Talking Circles (HaRTC) project is a collaboration between researchers, patients, traditional healers, and the Seattle Indian Health Board to integrate a harm-reduction approach with the Native tradition of the talking circle. In this webinar, the project co-leaders, Drs. Lonnie Nelson and Susan Collins, discussed the project’s aims, development, and implementation.