If you want to make your community more dementia-friendly – whether you’re an individual with dementia, a caregiver, or somebody who works with people with dementia – please join us for “Collaborating for a Dementia-Friendly Washington: Expanding Possibilities,” a 2-day virtual conference, 9am-12pm, Tues/Wed, September 14-15.
The event will spotlight strategies, programs and initiatives to build a more dementia-friendly community, and will feature IREACH’s Dr. Ka’imi Sinclair, who will moderate a panel on Indigenous Perspectives on Dementia.
Dementia Friendly Communities 2021 is organized by the University of Washington Memory and Brain Wellness Center, on behalf of the Washington State Dementia Action Collaborative, with primary funding from the Aging and Long Term Support Administration, and with a planning committee made up of advisors from across the state.
The full event schedule can be viewed here, and registration is now open here.