Health Outcomes in Preschool: Innovations for Obesity Prevention (HOP-IN)
Status: Current
Grant Start: 09/01/2019
Grant End: 08/31/2024
This career development award brings together an accomplished team of experts to address the longitudinal impact of a novel outdoor preschool model on childhood obesity, physical activity, sleep, and academic achievement. The study also includes a robust cost-benefit analysis, which holds great promise for influencing policies related to social determinants of health (for example, outdoor time in youth) and early childhood education.
- Tiny Trees
Funding Sponsors
- Federal - National Institutes of Health
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Communities Involved
- Historically marginalized communities
Study Locations
- Washington
Study Type
- Observational study
- Community based participatory research
Study Characteristics
- Ages 0-18
Principal Investigator(s)
Team Member(s)
Kathryn Duffy-Greslo
Research Coordinator -
Carolyn Noonan, MS
Heath Research Initiatives
- Urban
Focus Areas
- Cardiovascular disease
- Child development
- Climate change and health
- Health disparities
- Mental health
- Stress