Family-Centered Approaches to Improving Type 2 Diabetes Control and Prevention (UAMS DSME)
Status: Current
Grant Start: 09/30/2021
Grant End: 09/26/2026
This program’s objective is to utilize quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design that evaluates the effectiveness of Family Model Diabetes Self-Management Education (F-DSME) when delivered in a group setting in Faith Based Organizations. The F-DSME has shown to be effective when delivered in patients’ homes, and the proposed program will allow us to evaluate the F-DSME’s effectiveness in a Faith Based Organization setting.
Funding Sponsors
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Communities Involved
- Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Communities
Study Type
- Survey
- Mixed methods
Principal Investigator(s)
Team Member(s)
Joelynn Karben
Research Assistant
Heath Research Initiatives
- Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander
Focus Areas
- Health disparities