American Indian and Alaska Native Health Disparities, Alzheimer’s Disease Center of Excellence (ADCOE) Research Project 1 (RP1): Longitudinal Study of MRI, Clinical, and Genetic Biomarkers of Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease in Elderly American Indians

Status: Current

Grant Start: 09/22/2017

Grant End: 04/30/2022

This study, Research Project 1 of the American Indian and Alaska Native Health Disparities, Alzheimer’s Disease Center of Excellence, represents a major innovation within the first large, longitudinal, population-based cohort study of Alzheimer’s disease in American Indian people, by conducting complex image processing, in order to produce and analyze detailed 3D brain maps and estimates of regional brain structures.


  • Colorado School of Public Health
  • Strong Heart Study
  • Banner Alzheimer's Institute

Communities Involved

  • Tribal communities

IREACH Programs

Team Member(s)

Heath Research Initiatives

  • American Indian and Alaska Native